William Toby Chan Ng Wai Leong.
If you can't keep a promise. Don't fucking make it in the first place. 3months very long? IS THAT IT? SO 3MONTHS IS ENOUGH FOR YOU TO GO BACK ON YOUR WORD?
Ok I'm so gonna revive this dead blog,have nothing to do.
Anyway last week I bought a NDSLite :D
At first I felt that it was a waste of money.
Then pokemon hooked me up :p
But I'll probably get bored sooner or later..
Then I'll get back to my already-rotting psp D:
Recently been taking up japanese classes with my cousin.
Quite fun,and it's freaking hard to master the language.
So many characters and 2 categories for them x.x
And schools starting next week.
Yay 4 more days to my birthday.
I WONDER WHO WILL REMEMBER?!?! (Hopes arent high tho)
And I only have myself to blame.
Ok recently din't update my blog.
Cos my everyday life isn't so adventurous.
Anyway,I'll try to update "regularly" for the sake of an "old friend"(He's really old).
And i have to retake one module ):
New time table is shit.
Anyway,yesterday went out with leonard,melvin,kelvin and JOE!
Joe is someone we know from dota.
Then we went amk hub and watched Painted Skin.
Hell boring.I hate fairy tail love story.
Either the lovers survive,or they die.
Don't make them die,and revive again,damn lame.
Then we decided it's not enough,so we watched house bunny next.
After that,we went foodcourt for dinner.
Then,as we sat down,Kelvin joked : 3 bottles of Carlsberg pl0x.
We all got shocked,but heck la,he already bought,so just drank :p
Joe can really smoke alot too.Unstoppable.
Ok thats all.
I will TRY to update.I'm at the risk of getting removed from someone's blog.
Hmm,it's been awhile since i blogged.
My results are shit-.-
Failed 2,passed 2. Even got a single digit.
Ok i skipped a few lessons this week.
Enjoying the last few skipping spree before mugging real hard for EOY.
I don't wanna retain ):
Overslept abit today,and was nearly late for lesson.
The lecturer was even later la.
But we got released earlier .Then went canteen 1 to have breakfast with thos EM1s.
After that,we went ourspace to play board games!
I wanted to play risk,but some of them dont know how to.
So ended up playing monopoly instead.
They not cooperative one,just buy anything they land on.
So as a result,everyone had mixed colours,so no1 bought any houses.
And eventually got bored.
Then yongjia suggested playing JENGA blocks. LOL.Dint touch that for donkey years.
So we stacked the thing up.And there was a forfeit:Loser = go buy drinks.
Like ill lose :p HAHA.
Helicopter turn okay.Difficult stun.
So Terrance and Sherman lost.(Partly thanks to me.)
And they went to buy drinks for us :D
Then its the OBC tutorial.
Damn sian la,i dozed off,then got 'scolded' by moomoo phua.
Ah xian just came in for OBC lesson,he said he overslept.
Afterwards,there's a one hour break and then 2 hours of ElectroTech lecture.
Yongjia was like, eh wan pon anot?
Then i said YA!LOL.
Huiting also wanted to pon.
So when the lecture start,we waited for the last class to come in,then we chiong out.
I think i wasnt noticed,but huiting and yongjia said the lecturer stare at them.
After we got out,they keep worrying what will happen.
Pon only mah,nothing will go wrong:p
And huiting didnt believe i got A1 for english,yongjia say i tyko -_____-
(Photos taken from huiying's blog)See the noob yongjia.

Hoho,look at my pose,so professional.LOL

Sherman's rabbit tooth:D

And Huiting's wobbly hands(:

So i went to find sijie in the library.
I sat beside him,then i switched on my laptop.Can't even dota properly.
Bad jie..what about your HLM target? LOLOLOLOL.
Leonard came afterwards,he also ponned lecture.Then we went ourspace.
Marvin,jie,and kelvin and xian joined us shortly.
So just played dota and cs for awhile.
Xian so hardworking la,he was doing maths.Scary.
Had dinner at canteen 1 again.Jie saw his HLM girl.
He jitao stop eating and run to her.LOL.
Then i rush down to woodlands to meet sumin.
Suppose to meet at 7.20,i was late for 10mins,so i called her.
Me: "I reached.Where you"
Her:"HUH?! Serious?! ): im at jacks place.ok lor ill come down now ):"
Then a few mins later..
Her:"Hello?where you?im at mrt."
Me(At mrt already) :"OH,you are at Mrt,i see.I don't see you?"
Anyway,she bought me water bottle.hoho:D thanksthanks.
You are getting on my nerves.
Need me to tell you how many times in front of your face?
Grow some balls please,think of better ways to express yourself.
I know what your thinking,its way too obvious,im a guy too.
So try continuing with your nonsense,and ill rearrange your face.
Oh,and if YOU think its directed to YOU again,
Don't think that everytime i post,its about you.
For goodness sake,READ what i post carefully,its obviously shooting a GUY.
Today is..saddening.
Firstly,IS class is a total waste of time.
Went to school early to do the project thing.
In the end,the teacher dint ask for it.
Then SW.Volleyball.
Why does my partner always suck?
Ok,if you don't know how to play,its ok,at least TRY.I don't know how to play too.
But my partner is..ridiculous.
Last week,he keep hitting the ball so far,i have to run to get it back everytime.
This week is no exception.
Next week,ima get a new partner.
And while im whacking the ball,some ball came flying at my direction.
And my face got the shot,particularly my eye.
Enjoyable day.
I seem to be drifting away from my friends.
Either this,or that.Great.
Cut the long story short,
I'm just disappointed in you.
1hr30mins.Maybe it doesn't seem long to you.
Yea who knows.
If you had click on my link,reading what i wrote,
Hoping to see my cussing and swearing,and find excuses to be angry again.
Then I'm so sorry,i simply have no interest for that now.
So what if i curse and swear?Read my previous posts,i certainly done all those before.
Anything changed?Definitely,
I'm just some display at Toys 'R' Us,waiting to be played.